Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is it Spring Break yet?

No, it is not.
But it will be soon! I just have to make it through tomorrow. My mantra today, when I woke up at 1:55 am, after first thinking, "Thank God it's almost 2:00! I slept an hour longer than I could have...", was "Make it through today". Once I survived, I now have to make it through tomorrow. This is all DOABLE, it's just not enjoyable.
I don't feel like delving into too many details or revealing too much about my life. Suffice it to say I've been responsible for a large part of an "event". Responsible for planning it, that is, but it's a two-day event that isn't really MY vision. Not that I have much of a vision these days, except that I'm keeping the finish line, June 13th, well within my perimeters. So, not my vision, but my responsibility. Is that the worst of both worlds?!
The good news is that I plan to take a Tylenol PM and sleep through the night, happily self-medicated. Also, it is a fairly short day, and if something goes horribly awry, vacation begins soon after, so who really cares?!
Plus, on Friday morning, we leave for a long weekend in the SF Bay areas. I am so excited about the trip that even if tomorrow's event is a total bomb, I will try not to care. We will stop in Monterey on Friday and drink some wine, look at the bay, take a walk or two and enjoy seeing friends, and then it's off to San Francisco. Once we are there, we'll bounce around between the City and the East Bay and maybe even a hike in Marin?! The weather does not look entirely promising, but we will survive. Plus, we will be eating well, staying in hotels and hanging out with friends. How is any of that bad?


Kim said...

Enjoy your trip!

And I must admit, you have me really curious about this "event."

Anonymous said...

I LOVE San Francisco. Can I make some unsolicited restaurant recommendations? Betelnut, Greens, and Millennium are my favorites. Have a fantastic trip and know that I am sitting here in LA very jealous!