Not quite in THAT order, but we are OFF! Today was the last day of summer school for me which was cause enough to celebrate, but I'll add to that our anniversary (Woo-Hoo!) AND the fact that we soon leave for our Summer 2010 Big Adventure. I am a terrible blogger while traveling, but I must admit that it sort of pleases me to disconnect from the computer for a few weeks. As much as I love to read other people's blow-by-blow accounts of the trip in almost-real time, I am usually too exhausted while traveling to think of anything else BUT the trip. Also, I see travel as a respite from the day-to-day activities of my mundane, one of which is emailing and checking the Internet. No, no email, but I plan to walk a ton over the next few weeks, take in beautiful scenery, explore a few churches and cathedrals, maybe visit a museum or two, breakfast in cafés, lunch in parks and drink cheap wine with dinner in addition to consuming large amounts of jamón serrano, queso AND fromage and at least one or two baguette! Michael's plan includes many photos of yours truly, so I will also have to work on wresting the camera from him every now and again.
Before the more cosmopolitan part of the trip, we will first stay in Moab, Utah, one of my favorite places in the entire world. I can't wait to be there in just a few days! Hopefully we will experience an early morning hike here:

So, zoom we go!
Have a great time! I can't wait to hear about your adventures :)
That sounds like a marvelous way to spend some time. Breakfast in cafes and lunch in parks? Any chance that you are going to take a detour through the Canadian Rockies? I would love to get on your party train.
Have a wonderful time and enjoy your techno-purge. Have a refreshing trip!
Have a fantastic time and definitely unplug for the duration of your trip! It sounds like the baguettes alone are going to be the highlight!
Love the new layout!
I LOVE to unplug like that too.
I have wanted to go to Moab ever since my parents went there a few years ago to go offroading. Have fun!
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