So, there comes a certain point in your life when you think that you've crossed the threshold, that all of your close friends are married (more or less) and the possibility/necessity/requirement of attending all of the wedding shenangins is OVER for you. You become smug and content, and while you still attend weddings, you feel that your obligation extends to gifts, the ceremony and drinking plenty of wine at the reception. Plus, a wedding conveniently gives you the excuse to get a pedicure.
And then, out of nowhere, you make friends with a FEW younger people, and suddenly you find yourself included in the party of all parties: The "Bachelorette party" (sometimes it is a weekend).
First of all, I want to know when and why did it become imperative that people invest so much time and energy in these bachelor/bachelorette weekends? Was it because of those stupid reality TV shows (Confession: I actually really liked the first season of "The Bachelor")? Or can I blame yet another societal ill on Hollywood? Is "The Hangover" a product of it or has it contributed to the feverish planning of those moments of mad debauchery?
A wedding is already, in my opinion, a huge financial commitment to the people tying the knot and also to friends and family. And then you add to that these extravagant weekends in Vegas, Napa or Cabo that some people plan, it smacks of narcissism.
Oh, that's right, we do live in the Facebook and Twitter age where narcissism IS rampant. Afterall, my life is so important and scintillating I must let everyone know what I'm doing every fucking second of the day. Okay, I'm a hypocrite - I do have a blog, afterall, and while I think it's interesting, clearly other people do not. Losers!
Anyway, despite much reluctance and feeling too old to be attending a bachelorette party (almost 40 - doesn't that give a me a "get-of-jail-free" card when it comes to these sorts of things), I committed to it way back in the spring. The date moved around a few times, and finally the bride and the party planner decided on October 2. Fortunately, it was only an evening, not an entire weekend, dedicated to raunchy panties and penis candy. Although it wasn't necessarily my favorite way to spend a Saturday evening, I must admit that drinking champagne in a revolving cocktail lounge was kind of fun and offered us nice views, and the planner did make reservations for us at an excellent restaurant, Drago Centro. I admit that I wished that I had been there with Michael because the food and ambiance were great. However, I did not feel *totally* awkward with the other attendees. I was happy, however, that I didn't wear a sexy little dress like some of the other 'ladies' - I thought that the instructions to "look hot" were ironic! Apparently irony is not a usual part of bachelorette parties.
I opted out after dinner, going home, while the rest of the party went off to nightclubs. Also, I will say that the bride-to-be is not or has not been a 'bridezilla', but is pretty low-key about her wedding and all of the festivities leading up to it.
So, all in all, not a bad night, considering that I slipped under the covers before midnight!
What do other people think about bachelorette parties and the extravagant wedding circuit in general? Fun times or another sign of the narcissistic epidemic?
The wedding industry (yes, industry) in general is so weird to me. We did such a small thing (and it would have been even smaller except that our parents insisted on some kind of party). We didn't do a bachelor/bachelorette party. I'm not much of a party person, to be honest. The ones I've enjoyed have been nice dinners followed by activities that I don't participate in. Ha. Sounds like you had a good time :) Made the best of it :)
So, I feel like such a jerk as I slam weddings and bachelor/ette parties, but I agree - it IS an industry! You add the term "wedding" to anything, and the price is jacked up. I really can't believe how much people spend on a standard wedding. Okay, maybe not "standard", but some people (or their parents) whom I know are spending what could be the down-payment on a house. Yikes!
On the other hand, I am quite a fan of married life, and I must admit that I do enjoy a "fun" wedding. I'm just glad, whenever I attend a big shin-dig with perfect everything, that it's not mine!
I am not a fan of bachelorette parties - actually, I do whatever I can to avoid having to attend them. That kind of stuff is just not my idea of fun! And being that I have so little time I am quite selfish with my weekends.
I'm glad that you were able to have a good time and make the best of it! I too would have opted out of the after-dinner activities!
Wedding slamming!!! I'm married, so I feel like I can join in slammage with little to no conscience issues. I wrote an article on wedding commodification last year and I just can't stop thinking about it. I admit, when my best friend told me that her bachelorette party was going to be in Vegas, my first thought was "so I have to shell out $150 for a passport before I even purchase the trip?" I know this is really a major cultural hurdle for my mind, but I can't fathom the idea of people having to spend money on bridesmaids dresses and bachelorette parties to celebrate weddings. In India, being a close friend of the bride usually means you get gifts! But then again, in India, YOU treat other people on YOUR birthday. Hmmm...
Oh, and "losers" is right! I love your blog.
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