So, the past few weeks really were super busy, filled with work and play, trying to wind down while also gearing up for the holidays. With all of that energy and excitement, Saturday morning we loaded up the trunk of the car, filling it with presents and suitcases and more presents, put the dogs in the backseat and then we headed east! Our timing couldn't have been better since Southern CA was due for six days of straight rain.
We drove through the rain for the first hour or so, and then popped out of the fog and the rain, pretty much a clear shot from the Mojave Desert to Gallup, New Mexico, where we spent Saturday night in a Motel 6 smoking room. As Michael described the experience, it was comfortable enough to sleep, but not comfortable enough to want to stay. Well put. We did eat at Jerry's, a local place that served up good New Mexican fare, which differs considerably from Texas and California Mexican food. I can't say how it differs exactly, but it does. We had pork in a green chile sauce, and it was definitely good and not something that we eat all the time! The jury is still out regarding Gallup, but I would stay there again.
Overall, the drive to Boulder was uneventful but beautiful, especially through New Mexico. Every time we drive through I-40, we comment on how we should actually stop and spend time there. The late afternoon/early evening light and the early morning sunrise were almost a cliché because they were so beautiful, filling our sight with purple, deep grey, golden yellow, all contrasting with a variety of greens. It made me think of Georgia O'Keeffe, whose work I don't necessarily love, but captures the colors, shapes and spirits of New Mexico. Or perhaps I'm more familiar with her work than with New Mexico, and so I see it through her paintings?
We finally arrived in Boulder yesterday afternoon around 3:30, driving directly to Snarf's, a local sandwich place that seriously makes some of the best subs EVER. I don't know what it is about Snarfs, but I seriously obsess about the sandwiches. I just learned that they are opening shops in Chicago and St. Louis, which makes me envy people who live in those locals.
This morning, we also hit up another favorite stop, Spruce Street Confections, which serves up a mean latte and makes their own delectable scones. I would consider working there for a summer if I could learn how to make scones as good as these. Obviously there is a stick of butter in each one...
In the meantime, we have plans to hang out with family, walk the dogs, take naps, go visit some of our favorite shops (like Neptune Mountaineering, one of the coolest outdoor gear stores that I've ever encountered) and go SKIING! It's going to be a good holiday week here in Boulder, CO!
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